Tuesday, October 12, 2010


My final high school exams begin this Friday. I'm both excited & nervous to the max. 
Excited because the closer I am to exams, the closer I am to freedom. 
Nervous because... this may determine what direction my life will take next year. 
My hands have been feeling empty, it's been that long since I've held my camera! 
Hence the formation of these little blurrographs. 
In conclusion, wish me luck ya lil hooligans! I will need it.

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  1. I am jealous that you are close to freedom.
    I hate that your whole 13 years of schooling comes down to a few exams. It's bullshit.
    Good luck.


  2. @Brianna I know, it's really stupid. Like, one retarted phrasing of a question could bring your rank waaay down if you don't understand it... STUPID I TELL YE! Thanks, love.

  3. noooo they are all my exams ever evvvver!! i just thought it would be satisfying to rip off a post-it note after each exam. so absolutely excited. best of luck for tomorrow~ x

  4. @nicolasee hey! that's a good idea!


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